Organic living is a lifestyle in a way that is healthy for you and the environment. The term “organic” has several definitions, and many people are still confused by it. As for foods, organic means foodstuff that did not go through fertilization and pesticides. As for living, organic simply means a healthy lifestyle, much as the foods that are not processed with harmful chemicals.
What exactly is organic lifestyle? Simply put, living in an organic way does not only mean doing a healthy diet, but also doing good deeds for the earth. By doing good things responsibly, you can create and keep wonderful and rich places to live in and in order to encourage everyone to switch to an organic lifestyle, you, yourself, have to do it first. Below is a list of ways you can live an organic lifestyle:
• Eating organic: Following an organic lifestyle is eating organic foods. It starts with eating vegetables and fruits cultivated without using chemicals as well as meats processed without using hormones and closed factory environments. This way is healthy because the chemicals, such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides, can destroy one’s health.
•Organic Garden: The best way to ensure that you get pure organic foods is to cultivate your own organic foods. Organic gardening has been around for a very long time. It has become common in recent years. In doing so, you only need to have organic seeds. Composting can give all the nutrients needed for your garden. Yet, the most important key here is to pay attention to the requirements and needs of each plant as well as the soil conditions.
• Organic Cleaning: Organic lifestyle does not end with foods but broadens to the way your home is always kept clean by using organic cleaning products coming from natural resources, such as baking soda, vinegar, borax, etc., that are usually found in your kitchen. Today, many products are now made from natural ingredients to provide safe cleaning good for users and the environment.
• Organic Beauty: Just because you follow an organic lifestyle does not mean you have to give up your beauty cosmetics. You can take care of yourself using organic skin care products. There are several of them made from natural ingredients on the market, such as organic soaps and shampoos. So, with that, you do not have to give up your make-up addiction. Some people get allergic reactions to organic substances. If you experience such, consult your healthcare provider right away.
• Organic Supplements: If you consider yourself a busy person, you may want to take an organic supplement. Busy people might not have time for preparing organic foods and probably would just eat anything eventually if hunger strikes. For this matter, you do not have to get worried about your health even if you are working very hard, for you will be assured of adequate nutrients from taking organic supplements. Change your life, encourage people with your life Now you have followed organic living, you could encourage people to go organic, this way of living is not only for your overall well-being, but also for the earth. By adapting organic lifestyle, you can save the people and the planet. Ensure your health and your family with Ehic